Ripping it up at Skyline
Play by play by Alex MacSwain
I’d say it started Saturday at Den’s BDay – only because he was carried from the Bocce ball court (not literally) and didn’t remember getting home after the Flat Iron and of course still made the race and was blessed with a flat on the 2nd lap which might have been more of a blessing if it happened on the 1st lap. The usual suspects didn’t actually make the race – MIA were Olrich, Ardell, Rosencrantz and last years 1st place sport podiumer – TK. Which left a spot for me to possibly take this spot.
There were two mass starts – one was all expert and pro men doing 3 laps and the 2nd was all sport and women doing 2. Booth was ripping it up (I think in 8th spot over all) among a crew of Weir, Moeschler, Shady (6th over all and who said felt like shit), Hewitt and more. He then became contained by a flat and I believe still managed to finish decent.
In sport, so TK was MIA and I was stoked. And McClure, who took 1st at Tamarancho, was MIA as well. So my odds seemed good. Pucket and I started about 60 people back and fought our way through for the climb. We did pretty well together to the top of the 1st climb and etc etc etc for two laps. It was a super fun course (we should ride up there). I managed to drop the 2nd place guy in the last 400 yds and took 2nd in sport and 5th over all (in sport) out of 58. Pucket - he got 1st in his group!! I have your medal. It was lots of fun. won four bottles of wine in the raffle.
Pro Men
1 7 Mark Weir WTB 1:58:52
2 10 Jason Moeschler WTB 1:58:52
3 9 Roger Bartel Gianni 2:04:01
4 29 Jim Hewet Content 2:04:01
5 3 Robert Anderson AMD 2:06:09
6 28 Shane Deal Jamis 2:08:47
Sport Men 35-44
2 230 Alex MacSwain 1:34:55
Sport Men 45-54
1 153 James Puckett 1:40:20